
Dec 29th, 2017

What Is This?
Kick the game winning field goal in this silly little game where you're an NFL kicker! Play through an entire season and see if you can win the Super Bowl! I had so much fun hacking this game together, even though some of the code I wrote is total garbage :) Enjoy!

How Long Did It Take?
6 days

How Many Lines of Code? (Excluding Ga)

What Did I Learn?
I switched from using Phaser to a great little JavaScript game engine called "Ga". With a tagline like "The world's tiniest, cutest and funnest game engine", how could you not love it?! I also love their philosophy of "Less typing, Less thinking!". Check it out here.

Where Did I Get The Assets?
Art: I made these bad graphics with my own mouse clicks.
Music: Perihelium by Ozzed. Awesome free 8-bit/chiptune music!
Sounds: Made with sfxr.